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Picnic Themed Teacher's Luncheon: Social Distancing Style (Free Printables!)

Well I finally did it, I have begun dipping my toes in the PTA waters. It’s not that I necessarily have an abundance of time on my hands, but being a part of the PTA is something that I have always wanted to do. I want to show my girls that I support their school and want to be a part of their schooling. I want them to know that I care about what they care about… and the PTA just seemed like a good way to begin showing up for them in that area of their lives.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I do not yet have a large role in the PTA, I am helping out on the hospitality committee which is totally my jam. As you all have likely gathered by now, I love planning parties, events, and crafting anything and everything. So when our committee met for the first time I let them know that I would be more than happy to be the one to execute any and all crafty Pinterest ideas.

So speaking of Pinterest, I went on to find ideas for our PTA sponsored back to school teachers luncheon this year. There were tons of ideas, but not many that were socially distancing friendly in this era of COVID. This year’s lunch was a pick up and go style lunch rather than a big group celebration. I wanted something unique and cute, with the cute details being something that traveled with the teachers as they brought their lunches back to their classrooms or homes to eat.

I stumbled across the picnic theme and from there everything else fell into place. We went with the theme: SCHOOL IS A PICNIC WITH TEACHERS LIKE YOU! In order to solidify the theme and have the cute take home details, we made individual bags for each teacher to fill up with their choice of lunch foods. The line started with the cute bags, and then they could choose from pre wrapped sandwiches, chips, fruits, cookies, and drinks - placing everything into their bags as they went. The bags were a great quality and many teachers were happily saying that they would use these as their lunch sacks throughout the year because they were so cute!

As we were also starting off the year with distance learning, we included a tag on the bag that read: TOGETHER, VIRTUALLY ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE and let them know that the PTA was looking forward to a wonderful year working together.

So other than the ordering of the food, how did this all come together? I purchased the kraft handled sacks as well as the picnic themed food wrap paper from Amazon. I printed out the sign for the front of the bags as well as the tags at home on cardstock type paper, cutting them out after printing. I fixed the sign for the front of the bag using a circular foam sticker so it would “pop out”, but you can also use plain glue or tape. The finishing touches were just the ribbon tie and the twine to tie the tag to the handle. That was it, it took maybe 1-1.5 hours to make 35 bags, not bad at all! Check out my recommended supplies below and be sure to download your free printables at the bottom of this post!

Some links in this post are affiliate links which means I will receive a small commission if you purchase through the link provided. It is not necessary to shop through my links but if you do THANK YOU for your support of me and my blog! See Disclosure For More Details

Recommended Supplies

Kraft Gift Bags

Red White Checkered Food Wrap

White Cardstock

Foam Stickers (Or Glue)




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School Is A Picnic With Teachers Like You

Together, Virtually Anything Is Possible