My Colorful Life: Episode 01
Well hello there! I know that I chat with you all here and there fairly regularly when I pop in to share a new recipe or new DIY project with you... but recently I made the decision that I need to open up a bit more with you all and share a bit more of my life and lifestyle with you. You see, I have been hearing from so many of my friends + loved ones who say "how do you do it all" "you are such a supermom!" And while I always manage (I think at least) to set them straight by telling them that I indeed do not rock in all areas of my life I always am left thinking and wondering how I can be sure to not portray a level of unattainable perfection on my blog. Because perfection IS NOT Healthy, and healthy living is what my blog is all about, right!!? Especially these days with news articles coming out about how people experience depression and feelings of unworthiness when scrolling through social media and the internet I just think it is super important to maintain a level of transparency with my audience. This way you all can see that I am in fact a real human being and not a super mom that cooks and cleans 8 hours a day, does Pinterest projects with her children and for her home, is super attentive to her husband at all times, all while holding down a job as a medical professional. Because some people may think this..... but it is far from the truth. You see it very much is all about balance... and a balance that is ever shifting one way or the other. When I do well in one of the categories listed above, there are several other of those categories that suffer. And this my friends is the way of the world, one person CAN NOT do it all. Period.
Okay, now that I have gotten that off my chest and you know the reason for these lifestyle posts infiltrating my blog let's get back to it. My life these days... if you are ready to take the crazy train with me then read on my friends.
My Crazy Train
Right now we are in the midst of some major life changes that I will be sure to announce once things are official. But to make a long story short for the time being, we have lived in three different places since the girls were born (and they are only 4 I might add) and we are about to move across the country to yet another temporary living situation making it four places in four years. My mind is all over the place at any given moment and any rigid "plans" for my life as well as my Type A tendencies have gone right out the window these last few years. Don't get me wrong, I still try to do what I can to maintain organization and control because, well once Type A always Type A, am I right!?? But at the same time I am learning the art of all that is Elsa and just Letting It Go. In total transparency some days that feels good, and some days I feel like a shell of the person I once was. But in the end, this chaotic time in my life is teaching me about flexibility, balance, and patience.... all areas that I need to be schooled in the most. So I'm going to keep right on riding this train and try to keep in mind the bigger picture at the end... one I cannot wait to share with you soon!
Life these days... chaotic and hanging by a thread most days... but trying our best to enjoy the ride!
So, now that you have a little bit of a background as to my state of mind, and life these days, I thought I would leave you with a few Motherhood Confessions... I'm not alone in this I am sure of it, but I know I always find it nice to see that other moms are indeed not perfect either.... so here you go, some of my latest and greatest imperfections!
1. The girls’ teacher asked for a family photo at the start of Pre K back in August, I have the reminder sitting on the counter that I just saw yesterday for the 100th time (it is currently the middle of February and I should probably just throw that paper away by now) and I daily pass by the family photo wall in their classroom. Well I will have you know that we have hundreds of family photos but I have yet to get one printed off and submitted on the board. So currently, this is the photo that is displayed on the family wall for my girls (and honestly I’m not even sure where they got this photo form because I didn’t give it to them!??)... Kalantari family, party of 2 #momfail at its finest
2. We let the girls eat breakfast while watching their iPads every day while Arshia and I get ready for work... no shame in my game there. Also, we take these iPads to pretty much every restaurant we go to because we are “those parents” and some peace and quiet while Arshia and I try to have some adult conversation while waiting for our meals is very much appreciated.
3. I have raised my voice at my kids three times today and its only 10:00 AM. To be clear, this was part of my New Years resolution and I have actually tried many tricks to make myself more calm in the moment and raising my voice less..... but it doesn't seem to be working all too well. Suggestions welcomed... as is empathy and commiseration.
4. We have a cabinet full of messy art supplies like stamps, glitter, glue, and paint and my girls ask to use these things routinely and the thought of it gives me pure anxiety... so typically I make an excuse why we need to be playing dolls and legos instead. #operationhidetheglue Total bad mom for sure.
5. So with the girls' birthday and Christmas only being a few months apart from each other I am known to hide some of their gifts to open and play with later on in the year when they need a change with their toys. Well, unfortunately I have also been known to forget about said hidden toys. This year for Christmas I came across this beautiful set of Nutcracker Barbie dolls that the girls received for Christmas when they were two years old.... so what's a mom to do when they find a present they forgot to give to their girls for the past two years?? Well in my case I felt the most logical thing to do would be to wrap it up and give it to them again for Chritmas this year! Genius, I know. Don't worry I wrote it was from Santa so I didn't take all the credit...
And yet they still love me and want to hang out with me... please never change sweet girls!
And there are more, so many more. But I hope these few little tidbits left you feeling like you are not alone in this motherhood gig.... we all have our confessions of imperfection!
Have a good week my friends, hope to check in again soon with you all!