
Hi There!

A big hello and welcome to my blog! In this space you will find a wide variety of things that color my life. Health is not just about eating right, it’s about feeding your mind, body, and soul “the right way” -with things that add color and vibrancy to your life.

For me, this means DIY projects of all kinds, clean eating, motherhood musings, and non toxic living. These are the things that color my world, if you can relate I invite you to follow along!

You can learn a little bit more About Me or click on the links below to follow me on Instagram or Facebook (@coloryourhealth). You can also find me on my dental office blog (Sunshine Smiles Of Orange County) or as a contributor for the Orange County Mom’s Network Blog!

How I Find Time To Blog As A Busy Mom

How I Find Time To Blog As A Busy Mom

I am asked so often how I find the time to blog in spite of the fact that I have a demanding job (although part time), am a mother to twin girls, and have life changes that seem to abound daily.  Well let me share with you my secret to how I find the time.... I don't.  There are some days where I just DON'T.  You see, I have found that I can do about three things "well" per day.  Now when I say well, I certainly don't mean perfect, although I admit I foolishly aim for this.  Now between everything in my life - my duties to family (wife, mom, daughter, sister) always come first.  So this will be the first thing out of three that I focus on daily.  Now that leaves me with two more areas to focus on per day.  On the days that I work this obviously becomes one of my focus areas, then there is also cooking, cleaning, blogging/social media, errands, and fun/downtime - all of which compete for my attention to fill these last slots in my day.  So, the honest truth?  I don't blog every day, and in doing such I know this deters the speed at which I grow here in this space and I am okay with this.  Some days I choose family, work and cooking - other days I choose family, cleaning, and blogging.  You get the picture- I don't try to do it all everyday, there is just no way!  With this method do I still feel like a juggling act that is always about to falter?  Yep, sure do!  But I have learned recently to just take it one day at a time, do what you can that day, and move on.  This certainly took me a while to learn, and truth be told I am still learning, but I do know trying to do everything and be everything to everyone is just not possible.  One can easily lose themselves in trying to keep up with that kind of living. 

How I Find Time To Blog As A Mom

So the bottom line, I don't always have time, but that is the beauty of it.  Blogging is there when I need it, to get away and have a space of my own.  During the day if I have time, such as when the girls are down for nap, when they are playing on their own contentedly (which sometimes happens LOL), or when I have a spare moment before bed - these are the times where I enjoy a little "me time".  Blogging so far has been just that, some time for me to create what I want and how I want it, something that I can control in this ever chaotic and uncontrollable life.  So much of our time as a wife and mother is spent pleasing others and taking care of the needs of others.  Don't get me wrong, I am sure I am not the only one who would say that I would not want it to be any other way; but it is just as important to have time to ourselves to be able to do the things that we enjoy and that we feel passionate about.  For me, blogging checks all those boxes.  I am able to use my creativity with writing and photography, and my social skills to reach out to other women and mothers to connect and network with them.  So, do I have all the answers?  In one short word, NO.  I am learning and stretching as I grow and as this blog grows, but I will continue to put time into this adventure because it is something that I truly enjoy.  I will make time when I can, but it will not define me as an individual, rather it will help to balance me.  I encourage you to find something as well, blogging or not, that helps you to escape into your own world, even if just for a few moments, that will afford you the ability to focus on yourself and your many talents and passions.  Think, reach, dream - you can do it. 

How I Find Time To Blog As A Mom
Heirloom Tomato and Basil Sauce Recipe

Heirloom Tomato and Basil Sauce Recipe

The All Natural Bug Shield You Need In Your Summer Bag

The All Natural Bug Shield You Need In Your Summer Bag