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My Colorful Life: Episode 02

Exhaustion.  If I could pick one word to describe the last few weeks that would be it.  You guys, we have been working on something big for about 6 years now and it is finally coming to fruition!!  So of course I am excited, but exhausted ranks a little bit higher right now!!

So let me start by actually back tracking to about eight years ago when my husband and I (boyfriend at the time) talked about our future together.  In that future we talked about our dreams of having a family and traveling the world and my husband shared with me his dream of moving to California, a place he has loved ever since he was young.  You see, currently we live in the Midwest, and to be honest the weather is a bit rough at times... either stifling hot or fridgedly cold.  Those perfect temperature days are few and far between as are the options for outdoor activities.  So with all that said, he had some good reasons for his plans, yet I never fully believed they would be brought to fruition.  Well as time went on, it was clear that this was something he was willing to work towards every single day until we figured out a way to get there.  Well, when you have two children, a house, and a thriving dental practice you can’t just pick up and move across the country.  And because of this we found ourselves in this limbo period of our lives while we were just waiting for the next step to unfold.

Now that brings us to current day where I can happily announce.... we have made it happen!  There is not one step of it (selling our house, moving from rental home to rental home, selling our dental practice etc.) that has been easy, there have been numerous sacrifices and concessions that we all have made, but we have made it happen and we have done that as a team.  My husband and I along with our girls and with tremendous support from my inlaws and my parents, we are making this dream a reality! 

So what’s next!???  Well we will be packing up everything and starting our journey to Mission, Viejo California at the end of April.  Until then we will be saying our goodbyes to all of our family and friends which is going to be the hardest part in all of this!!  I am very close with my family and I know it’s going to be hard for them to see us leave, but that is all the more reason why I know we will be back to Kansas City plenty!  

Here on the blog you will see a little shift towards me talking about my life a bit more because I don’t want to give up writing all together but yet I won’t have as much time over the next few months to create a lot of new content, but I will continue to try and check in with you all!  In the coming weeks I will share more about our California adventure so stay tuned!

And now, just a quick catch up on other happenings in our life..... 10 things we have learned over the past month: 

1. The girls really love flying on airplanes (you never would have guessed this based on their first airplane adventure LOL) 

2. I actually prefer my hair darker rather than highlighted  

3. It takes me about 5 days of working out consistently to get into a workout routine where I actually enjoy and look forward to doing it... it also takes about 5 days of not working out to get out of my workout routine and not look forward to starting it again

4. First haircuts are fun... they also take two minutes and cost way more than they should

5. We all love Korean barbecue (although I still don’t quite understand why it’s called barbecue... it’s more like a cross between stir fry and fondue!?) 

6. I am officially a third wheel (the girls asked me to go sit down and not play with them on the playground LOL)

7. When my daughter screams “NEVER!!” to something we have asked her to do it’s not because she is planning a revolt and waging war, this is something she learned from Trolls... although it took us a while to figure this one out

8. Apparently the girls are going to be pro beach racquetball players... hopefully there’s a scholarship for that LOL

9. My husband is a saint (really though, for so many reasons but the first that comes to mind is laundry, he has taken over that chore and I will forever be thankful)

10. Daylight savings time just messes any semblance of a schedule up... want to go to bed at 9:00, sure why not!!?? Let’s just say we will continue to be exhausted all week!

Have a wonderful day and rest of your week everyone!